Sunday 24 February 2013

new biblio/ footnotes 2nd draft No wonder men treat us as sex objects if we act like this

 Baily, B. 2011, P.11  Sexual Messages in Advertising & Other Media

Shanahan, J, 1998 .P. 18

 Rosin, H. 2012, P.6

  Mulvey, L, 2008, P.4  Sexual Messages in Advertising & Other Media

 Mulvey, L, 2008, P.4

 Mulvey, L, 1975, P6-18

Gauntlett, D, 2002, P.1

 Coad, D, 2008, P21 No wonder men treat us as sex objects if we act like this

Gauntlett, D, 2002, P12

Whitford, M, 1988, P.100


Mulvey, L, 2008, P.4


Gauntlett, D, 2002, P.1

 Lacey, N, 1998, P139


32. Strinati, D, 2004, P171

33.  Erens, P, 1990, P3

35. ibid

38. ibid

39. Shakespeare, W,     ,P7

41. ibid

42. Gender theory Jeremy Orlebar- gender is performative

Works cited


Clark, Vivienne, and James Baker. Key concepts & skills for media studies. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 2002. Print.  page 12
Coad, David. The metrosexual: gender, sexuality, and sport. Albany: SUNY Press, 2008. Print.  page 21
Coperías, María José. Culture & power: challenging discourses. Valencia: Universitat de ValeÌ€ncia. Servei de Publicacions, 2000. Print.  page 132
Dyer, Gillian. Advertising as communication. London: Methuen, 1982. Print.  page4
Erens, Patricia. Issues in feminist film criticism. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990. Print.  page 3
Fourie, Pieter J.. Media studies. Lansdowne: Juta ;, 2001. Print.  244
Gauntlett, David. Media, gender, and identity: an introduction. London: Routledge, 2002. Print.  page1
Gill, Rosalind. Gender and the media. Cambridge, UK: Polity, 2007. Print.  page14

Griffiths, Morwenna, and Margaret Whitford. Feminist perspectives in philosophy. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988. Print.  page 100
Hein, Carolina. "subordination of women because of male and female distinctions." Laura Mulvey, Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. München: GRIN Verlag GmbH, 2008. 4. Print.
Jones, Rachel. "introduction." Postcolonial Representations of Women Critical Issues for Education. Dordrecht: Springer Science+Business Media B.V., 2011. 11. Print.
Lacey, Nick. Image and representation: key concepts in media studies. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1998. Print.  page 139
Mulvey, Laura. Visual pleasure and narrative cinema. Munchen: GRIN Verlag oHG (24 Jun 2008), 1999. Print.  booklet page 6-18
Rosin, Hanna. "introduction." The end of men: and the rise of women. New York, New York: Riverhead Books, 2012. 7. Print.
Said, Edward W.. Culture and imperialism. New York: Knopf :, 1993. Print.  page 13
Strinati, Dominic. An introduction to theories of popular culture. London: Routledge, 1995. Print.  page 184


Online newspapers:  Named no wonder men treat us as sex objects if we act like this   Media Guardian Music videos get crackdown over sexualized content- used statistic for how many parents: The Guardian:  No wonder men treat us as sex objects if we act like this Fannings-sexually-provocative-perfume-ad-banned.html Sexualisation of Girls in the media is harmful The big ideas podcast- The medium is the message sexually provocative Beyoncé ad ruled unsuitable for kids Are these the most offensive ads of all time?

Moving image texts (Adverts) Charlie Revlon commercial 1970’s Enjolie commercial 1980’s That touch of perfume Avon- commercial 1961 Codes of gender- Documentary 

University links used Adolescent sexuality and the media

Online Links MediaEdu- Gender theory Jeremy Orlebar -Illuminations 

hhtp:/ sexualisation of girls in the media is harmful

Work consulted

INTERNET LINKS Levson enquiry challenging representations of women in the media Sexualisation of Girls In The Media Is Harmful

University sites or academic papers  article about girls running the world or growing up to fast

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